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Writing for publication in English for Czech academics and researchers
Univerzita Pardubice kontakt

Czech academics and researchers are increasingly expected to publish in international English language journals that have a high impact factor. Writing in English can present many challenges, and apart from the grammar, there are also big differences in the way that texts are structured and formulated. This means that even a text that has been proofread and is grammatically correct, can still be difficult to read and understand for an audience of an English journal.

English writing is generally reader-centred, while Czech writing is topic-centred. Some of the ways in which texts differ include the construction of thesis/argument, overall structure, the rhetorical (writing) style, and sentence structure. Interestingly, Czech authors also show less self-confidence in their writing than English authors, which may affect their likelihood of being published in English.

The workshop will cover the general differences between the Czech style of writing and the English style of writing. We will look at real-life examples of English writing by Czech authors, and participants will have the opportunity to rework a short extract from a Czech writing style into a more English style.

Presenter: MPhil. Zaan Bester

Proposed date: 19 January 2023  09:00-12:00

maximum capacity of participants – 25

place of realization: DB / 02011

Language level: B2