The commercialization of research and development results, which are of note from a commercial point of view, takes place within the intimate cooperation between researchers and the Centre for Technology and Knowledge Transfer. Commercialization can usually be broken down into the following steps:
- Consultation and creation of a strategy for protecting intellectual property
- Suggestion for a commercialization and future products/services base model
- Active promotion of the results within the Czech Republic and foreign countries
- Identification and addressing of many clients
- Trade negotiations and the conclusion of contractual relationships
- Examples of successful commercialization
Examples of successful commercialization

Optimization of the Corey Alcohol-A (-) synthesis process, input material for drug production (doc. Ing. Aleš Imramovský, Ph.D. FChT/ Cayman Pharma s.r.o.)

Aspartic acid derivatives and their use as anti-corrosive agents and surfactants (prof. Ing. Radim Hrdina, CSc. a doc. Ing. Ladislav Burgert, CSc. FChT/ VCI Brasil Indústria e Comércio de Embalagens Ltda, CHEMOTEX Děčín a.s.)

Method of reductive dehalogenation of aromatic derivatives (doc. Ing. Tomáš Weidlich, Ph.D. FChT/ GEOtest, a.s. a ASIO, spol. s r.o.)
Title photo: Thomas Rafalzyk (SPARK Global Berlin 2018)